
Why creativity is at the heart of everything we do

2015-06-29T15:23:54+01:00June 29th, 2015|Blog|

‘Creativity’ – a word often echoed around PR and marketing agencies but how often do we really take the time to think about how we can maximize it to benefit our clients? When I began my career in marketing, I had little exposure to the graphic design process; from understanding the […]

Scott Partnership companies achieve the gold standard of service for the PR industry

2015-06-18T14:05:38+01:00June 18th, 2015|Blog|

We are delighted to announce that the Scott Partnership group of companies, which includes The Scott Partnership, Kapler Communications and Phoenix MarCom, has passed the PRCA Communications Management Standard (CMS). The PRCA (Public Relations Consultants Association) is the largest PR association in Europe, and the internationally recognised CMS is the industry’s […]

And the winner is…

2015-06-01T13:41:51+01:00June 1st, 2015|Blog, Marketing strategy|

Winning an award for your business, latest innovation or team members creates a buzz around your brand, demonstrates your successes to customers and gives employees well-deserved recognition for their hard work and achievements. However, when it comes to prioritising marketing activity, award entries are often not given the attention they deserve. […]

Bridging the Gap Between Science and Marketing

2015-05-06T14:47:26+01:00May 6th, 2015|Blog|

I started my internship at The Scott Partnership with little experience in the world of public relations but a real passion for science and technology. My first few months in the role were spent learning how to effectively communicate scientific and technical materials to a wider audience and I wanted to […]

The importance of practising strong ethics in marketing

2015-03-02T11:50:49+00:00March 2nd, 2015|Blog|

Having started my career in the world of pharmaceutical communications (aka med comms!) I had to quickly adapt, learning what is and isn’t acceptable when it comes to marketing in this fascinatingly intricate political minefield . There are clear distinctions between what’s acceptable and what’s not in the  pharmaceutical industry and […]

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