
Effectively communicating scientific and technological innovation: or Won’t

2015-11-04T11:37:15+00:00November 4th, 2015|Blog|

In the rapidly evolving scientific and technological industries, innovation is a critical building block at every step of the product lifecycle. From the early stages of R&D through to commercialisation, innovation enables businesses to realise the maximum potential of their latest product, build a strong brand and effectively target potential buyers […]

The Importance of Being Passionate

2021-02-23T16:42:41+00:00September 24th, 2015|Blog|

“One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested.” E.M. Forster It’s appraisal time at The Scott Partnership, a really important time for reflecting on the individual team members’ progression and dedication over the past few months, and planning ahead to ensure clear paths for success. This reviewing process […]

Success is just the tip of the iceberg

2021-02-23T16:46:51+00:00September 21st, 2015|Blog|

success (noun) – the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. “The president had some success in restoring confidence”. Synonyms: favourable outcome, successfulness, favourable result, successful outcome, positive result, victory, triumph. “We are very encouraged by the success of the scheme” What does success mean to you? Here at The Scott Partnership success underpins everything […]

Get ahead with marketing automation

2015-09-14T10:13:43+01:00September 14th, 2015|Blog, Lead generation, Marketing strategy|

Gaining a better understanding of customer behaviour, generating leads for the database and growing sales are all high on the wish list of companies, in the scientific industry. With customers increasingly looking for information online, businesses have had to change the way they target customers and optimize their sales and marketing […]

Blogging….why bother?

2021-03-02T13:33:14+00:00August 18th, 2015|Blog, Digital marketing, Marketing strategy, Social media|

Blogs are increasingly being included in many corporate PR and marketing programmes, especially in the scientific industry where the latest innovations are being developed at a rapid pace. But what can be gained by implementing ‘blogs’ into your marketing mix and what should you think about when writing one? Companies have […]

Company Away Days – just for fun or strategically serious?

2015-08-13T17:32:48+01:00August 13th, 2015|Blog|

In July, The Scott Partnership Holdings Group had our annual Away Day, an important time when we step back from daily business activity, regroup and focus on the year ahead, and beyond. This year we visited Shakespeare’s hometown of Stratford-Upon-Avon and with a ‘Shakespearean Sports’ theme (that’s our creative minds at […]

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